Lazada Group’s intellectual property rights (“IPR”) protection efforts are emblematic of its commitment to maintaining a legally compliant and safe eCommerce environment for its many customers in Southeast Asia.

In brief, 2021 was a year during which Lazada…
Participated in five memoranda of understanding and declaration, most of which were led by governments in various Southeast Asia countries, and all involved IPR protection on the Internet.
Had team members recognised by the IPR industry, including a nomination and short-list in the category for “In-House leader of the Year” at the 2021 World Trademark Review Industry Awards, as well as winning Managing IP’s “IP Ones to Watch 2021: 25 In-House on the Rise” award.
Doubled the number of brands participating in proactive measures.
Reduced the average processing time per takedown request by more than 40% compared to the year 2020, even in a year which welcomed 33% more user accounts onto our IPP Platform.
Served as a pioneer in online-to-offline enforcement activities in the region, partnering with INTERPOL, national law enforcement agencies and rights holders to take the fight to the counterfeiters on the ground.
Engaged with more than 1,100 IPR stakeholders in Southeast Asia through participating at and organising outreach and conference events.

opening remarks


Chief Risk Officer, Lazada Group
Video contents were captured before COVID-19.

In 2021, eCommerce growth has greatly accelerated, as COVID has increased the importance of brand protection and the responsibility to our growing user base. With more buyers and sellers going online to transact, providing customers with a safe and secure shopping experience must be our utmost priority. That’s why Lazada invests heavily in advanced technology to ensure every transaction, product, and experience is conducted within a safe environment. With trust, comes a sense of safety. With safety, communities can then transact with confidence in a virtual world.

If you ask me what the underlying theme of 2021 was in terms of Intellectual Property Protection, I would say that it was a year for collaboration and rights holder enablement. This is evidenced by the numerous MOUs signed in the past 12 months, the progression in our programs, IPP Plus and Proactive Measures, and our brand partners’ online to offline enforcement successes in countries once thought impossible.



Cooperation with Governments and Brand Associations


11 Jan 2021

We started the year off with Lazada Thailand signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cooperation for IPR Protection on the Internet at a ceremony presided by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, Jurin Laksanavisit. The MOU was an initiative of Thailand's Department of Intellectual Propertyand the Department of Business Development and the Department of International Trade Promotion. Digital platforms are required by the framework to provide appropriate channels for IPR owners to report infringements, while IPR owners must include all relevant documentation in their reports to digital platforms and the relevant authority.

Lazada Signs MOU with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL)

11 Jan 2021

With the help of the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines and the British Embassy, Lazada, along with other eCommerce platforms and brands in Southeast Asia, signed an agreement on 1 March to establish a stronger industry-wide coordination mechanism and a code of practice for online marketplaces.  Lazada's accession to the MOU is an important showcase of its commitment towards providing a safe and reliable platform for its buyers, respecting and protecting intellectual property rights (IPR); and collaborating with government agencies and regulators on IPR protection issues.

Indonesia eCommerce Declaration

6 Oct 2021

The Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Laws & Human Rights signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Police and Directorate General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance to strengthen their partnership in enforcing intellectual property protection in Indonesia. Prior to the signing, a new IP Task Force was established in September, including the Criminal Investigation Agency of the National Police (Bareskrim), the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM), the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, and the General Directorate of Customs and Excise. Lazada is collaborating with the Indonesia eCommerce Association (idEA), which last October launched a declaration that the eCommerce industry is committed to working with the Task Force to reduce the number of counterfeit products sold on platforms.


4 March 2021

This March, Lazada initiated an MOU for collaboration and mutual coordination with REACT, a not-for-profit organisation representing over 300 brand owner members who aim to protect consumers and legitimate business against the trade in counterfeited and pirated goods.

LAZADA SIGNS MOU WITH Pharmaceutical Security Institute (PSI)

26 Oct 2021

On 26 October, Lazada and the Pharmaceutical Security Institute(PSI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during the first-ever #LazMed Seminar, which will serve as a forum for pharma and eCommerce platform companies to network and collaborate going forward. This partnership exemplifies PSI and Lazada's commitment to protecting public health against counterfeit medicines.


11 Jan 2021

We started the year off with Lazada Thailand signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cooperation for IPR Protection on the Internet at a ceremony presided by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, Jurin Laksanavisit. The Department of Intellectual Property of Thailand, the primary agency responsible for IPR matters in Thailand, initiated this MOU, along with the Department of Business Development and Department of International Trade Promotion. Digital platforms are required by the framework to provide appropriate channels for IPR owners to report infringements, while IPR owners must include all relevant documentation in their reports to digital platforms and the relevant authority.

Lazada Signs MOU facilitated by Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL)

1 March 2021

Lazada, along with other eCommerce platforms and brands in Southeast Asia, signed an agreement on 1 March to establish a stronger industry-wide coordination mechanism and a code of practice for online marketplaces. The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines, the primary agency responsible for IPR matters, initiated the Philippines MOU, along with the Department of Trade and Industry. Lazada’s accession to the MOU is an important showcase of its commitment towards providing a safe and reliable platform for its buyers, respecting and protecting IPR, and collaborating with government agencies and regulators on IPR protection issues.

Indonesia eCommerce Declaration

6 Oct 2021

The Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Laws & Human Rights in Indonesia signed an agreement with the National Police and the Directorate General of Custom & Excise of the Ministry of Finance to strengthen inter-agencies’ coordination on IPR protection in Indonesia. At the same event (MOU signing), Lazada, represented by the Indonesian eCommerce Association (idEA), declared its support of intellectual property rights protection and enforcement in Indonesia through provision of reporting systems and cooperation with law enforcement agencies.


4 March 2021

Lazada entered into an MOU for collaboration and mutual coordination with REACT, a not-for-profit organisation representing over 300 brand owner members who aim to protect consumers and legitimate business against the trading of counterfeited and pirated goods.


Global Manager React Online Enforcement Program & Regional Director React Balkan

“We are happy to see Lazada listening to feedback and introducing a lot of new features in their IPP Platform that has enabled brand owners to report infringements in a less complex manner (such as adding annotations to guide IPP users, upgrading the sorting system so we can manage our reports/IPR documents more conveniently and increasing the speed of processing complaints). Recently Lazada also introduced an email channel for IP issues that cannot be resolved through the platform alone. REACT supports over 300 brand owners globally so these improvements have made our work supporting this brands so much more efficient. All this reflects the importance Lazada has placed on protecting brand owners and their buyers. Lazada has indeed set the benchmark for other eCommerce platforms in Southeast Asia to follow.”

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October 2021

LAZADA SIGNS MOU WITH Pharmaceutical Security Institute (PSI)

26 October 2021

Lazada and the Pharmaceutical Security Institute (PSI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during the first-ever #LazMed Seminar, which will serve as a forum for pharma and eCommerce platform companies to network and collaborate going forward. This partnership exemplifies PSI and Lazada’s commitment to protecting public health against counterfeit medicines.


Regional Director - Asia Pacific
Pharmaceutical Security Institute

“Lazada continues to lead the eCommerce sector in Trust and Safety. In addition to that, Lazada also combats the online proliferation of counterfeit medicines by collaborating closely with the Pharmaceutical Security Institute (PSI) and its members – through Operation Omnia. Lazada is also a strong supporter of capacity building and regularly participates at industry events to promote the cause of consumer health protection through multi-stakeholders' engagement. On 26 October 2021 both PSI and Lazada will co-host to the inaugural LazMed Seminar, where a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be inked between the two organisations -- to affirm their commitment and dedication to combat online counterfeit pharmaceutical products.”

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October 2021


KOIPA IPP Users Training
9 June 2021

Intellectual Property Protection Agency (KOIPA) aims to better equip both organisations to defend the rights of many Korean brands whose interests KOIPA serves. In June, Lazada provided KOIPA filling agents with training on best practices for filing against infringing content on Lazada. KOIPA hosted a seminar on IPR protection for online eCommerce platforms in Asia in September, during which Lazada presented as a guest speaker to explain its IPR protection programme offerings.

JETRO Fireside Chat
28 October 2021

Lazada and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) jointly organised the Lazada IPR Protection Industry Fireside Chat, a small-group meeting designed to bring IPR industry experts together to discuss brand protection. The forum provided an opportunity for Lazada to share some highlights of Lazada’s IPR Protection Programme, gather the concerns and feedback of brands associated with JETRO and explore ways in which JETRO and Lazada can collaborate on IPR protection initiatives in Southeast Asia.


Assistant Researcher
Department of Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution
Global Biz Team

 “… in 2020, we have achieved a remarkable result of taking down about 40,000 IPR infringing URLs on Lazada’s platforms in 6 ASEAN countries. This result was achieved thanks to Lazada’s efforts to protect IPR and the use of their IPR protection platform (IPP Platform) which facilitates reporting of IPR related issues.

In addition, Lazada and KOIPA have co-hosted seminars together in 2019 and 2021 to strengthen the IPR protection capabilities of Korean companies that are planning to enter or have already entered overseas online platforms by introducing the latest IPR trends in ASEAN countries and Lazada’s IPR protection system. These seminars have been helpful for many Korean businesses. We deeply appreciate Lazada’s efforts to protect IPR online in ASEAN countries, and look forward to strengthening our IPR protection network further.”

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October 2021

Key People


Andy Chua was nominated and short-listed in the category for “In-House leader of the Year” at the 2021 World Trademark Review Industry Awards. This award recognises outstanding in-house trademark counsel and identifies teams and individuals that are performing their functions to the highest possible standards.

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Juliane Rose Sun is a winner of the “IP Ones to Watch 2021: 25 In-House on the Rise” award from Managing IP, a global legal analysis publication specialising in intellectual property. The award showcases rising stars in the in-house intellectual property world. Juliane was nominated by a rights holder who described her as an invaluable member of the intellectual property protection team at Lazada.

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Andy Chua

Andy Chua was nominated and short-listed in the category for “In-House leader of the Year” at the 2021 World Trademark Review Industry Awards. This award recognises outstanding in-house trademark counsel and identifies teams and individuals that are performing their functions to the highest possible standards.

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Joyce Ang

Joyce Ang brings to Lazada more than a decade of experience in IPR legal practice, particularly in brand protection and IPR disputes. She oversees the team's regional brand cooperation and IPR operations functions. As one of Lazada's liaisons with external parties on IPR protection matters, she regularly leads engagements with rights holders, government agencies and other industry organisations – through dialogues, conferences and outreach events.

Juliane Sun

Juliane Rose Sun is a winner of the “IP Ones to Watch 2021: 25 In-House on the Rise” award from Managing IP, a global legal analysis publication specialising in intellectual property. The award showcases rising stars in the in-house intellectual property world. Juliane was nominated by a rights holder who described her as an invaluable member of the intellectual property protection team at Lazada.

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timeline of events

Lazada Celebrates World IP Day
26 April 2021
11 Jan

Lazada Thailand signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of IP (DIP) Thailand.

 1 Mar

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL).

3 Mar

IPR Annual Seminar + launch of 2021 Year In Review.

4 Mar

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed with REACT.

9 Mar

Online-to-Offline raid action with Under Armour Singapore.

26 April

Lazada Celebrates World IP Day and shares the story of an SME seller who has used IPR protection to safeguard his business.

20 May

Lazada IPR Protection Industry Fireside Chat with the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO).

25 & 26 May

Lazada presents at the IP KEY SEA Enforcement Series 2021.

9 Jun

Lazada collaborates with Korea Intellectual Property Protection Agency (KOIPA) to host an IPP Workshop for KOIPA’s filing Agents.

7 Jul

Panasonic online-to-offline raid action joint press release – over 77 pickup on online and local media outlets.

29 Jul

Lazada presented at the Eurocham Indonesia INTA Indonesia Dialogue Event.

30 Jul

Technical Meeting on the Thailand Memorandum of Understanding on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights on the Internet - organised by IPKey Southeast Asia.

8 Sep

Lazada presents at the Korea Intellectual Property Protection Agency (KOIPA) Seminar - Overseas Online K-Brand Protection Webinar 2021.

22 Sep

Lazada held its IPP Users Workshop, during which nearly 200 IPP users learned about best practices when using the platform, how to maximise takedown success rates, and upcoming improvements to IPP.

13 Oct

Lazada presented at the IPBC Southeast Asia iam Connect Seminar.

26 Oct

The Pharmaceutical Security Institute (PSI) & Lazada sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during the inaugural “LazMed Seminar” Event.

28 Oct

Lazada & Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) host the “IPR Protection Industry  Fireside Chat”.

Important Notices


A new 'Important Notices' tab was added to IPP to inform users of portal updates, policy changes, and more.

Descriptions of each IPP Reason Code for Ease of Reporting


We've added descriptions for each IPP reason code so that users can easily understand which code applies to their takedown request.

Easy-to-Use Search Function for Managing Past Takedown Requests


Filters have been added to make it easier to search and select past complaints.

Accepting Digital Downloads of Trademarks


Trademark certifications may be downloaded directly from an online database and uploaded to IPP.

Accepting Trademarks Pending Renewal


We now accept pending trademark renewal documents (grace period of 6 months).

IPR Owner’s Business License no Longer Compulsory


IPP Users enforcing on behalf of the original rights holder are no longer required to upload business license information.

English Translations no Longer Compulsory


Trademark certifications, business documents, and identify information may be submitted in its native language.

takedown Requests


IPP Platform Highlights

Growth in registered accounts on IPP compared to the previous year
within 72hrs
Processing time for nearly 90% of all takedown requests filed through IPP
spent in human review of incoming takedown requests
Top Complained Categories
Men’s Shoes and Clothing
Watches, Sunglasses, Jewellery


IPP Plus was introduced in January 2020, offering enhanced service support and expedited takedown processing. Participants are invited onto the programme based on relevant notice and takedown criteria, including reporting volume and accuracy. IPP Plus is intended to strengthen collaboration between rights holders and Lazada by facilitating the increase of qualified takedown requests and expedited enforcement.

Brands on IPP Plus
requests processed within 24 hrs
Takedown success rate
Low Appeal Passing Rate

Appeals Passed attribute to below 1% of overall takedown requests for the past 3 continuous months.

High Volume

Over 500 takedown requests submitted monthly for the past 3 continuous months.

Low Rejection Rate

Rejected takedown requests attribute to 5% or less of the monthly volume for the past 3 continuous months.

Established Relationship

Has an existing working relationship with Lazada IPR Protection Team.


MADE TO THE IPP Platform IN 2021

Important Notices


A new “Important Notices” tab was added to IPP to inform users of portal updates, policy changes and more.

Descriptions of each IPP Reason Code for Ease of Reporting


Added descriptions of each IPP reason code to the Complaint Submission form so that users may easily determine which code is applicable to their takedown request.

Easy-to-Use Search Function for Managing Past Takedown Requests


Filters have been added to make it easier to search and select past takedown requests.

Accepting Digital Downloads of Trademarks


Trademark certifications may be downloaded directly from an online database and uploaded to IPP.

Accepting Trademarks Pending Renewal


We now accept pending trademark renewal documents (grace period of 6 months).

IPR Owner’s Business License no Longer Compulsory


IPP Users enforcing on behalf of the original rights holder are no longer required to upload business license information.

English Translations no Longer Compulsory


Trademark certificates, business and identity documents, may be submitted in their native language.

Proactive measures



In March 2020, Lazada introduced proactive measures of removing counterfeit goods. The programme uses technology coupled with data from rights holders (such as product-specific information) to target listings of counterfeiting goods even before rights holders report them.


Enrolled Brands

There are currently more than 65 brands enrolled in Lazada’s proactive measures.


Proactive removals before transaction

In 2021, 98% of proactive removals occurred before a transaction took place.

up to 9x

Reduction in Takedown Requests

Some of the participating brands have seen their takedown request filings reduce by as much as 9x.


CASE STUDies: Before and after proactive measures

For this real-life case, we observed that “Brand A” experienced a consistent drop in IPP filings since proactive measures were put in place.

“Brand B” had identified counterfeit products on Lazada, prompting them to file takedown requests on a consistent basis. Almost immediately after Lazada began proactive measures, the number of takedown requests filed decreased steadily.

Before Lazada implemented proactive measures, “Brand C” had filed takedown requests against counterfeit products at a slightly decreasing rate. Following the start of proactive measures, the volume of takedown requests for “Brand C” significantly decreased as Lazada contributed to the cleaning of the platform.

For this real-life case, we observed ‘Brand A’ experience a consistent drop in IPP filings since the start of Lazada implimenting proactive measures.

The drop in IPP filings was reflected in both the Lazada Singapore venture (in which proactive measures were piloted in) as well as the overall takedown volume filed across all ventures.

For this real-life case, we observed that “Brand A” experienced a consistent drop in IPP filings since proactive measures were put in place.

“Brand B” had identified counterfeit products on Lazada, prompting them to file takedown requests on a consistent basis. Almost immediately after Lazada began proactive measures, the number of takedown requests filed decreased steadily.

Before Lazada implemented proactive measures, “Brand C” had filed takedown requests against counterfeit products at a slightly decreasing rate. Following the start of proactive measures, the volume of takedown requests for “Brand C” significantly decreased as Lazada contributed to the cleaning of the platform.

ONLINE-TO- OFFLINE enforcement actions



Units of counterfeit goods seizure

In 2021 Lazada collaborated with rights holders, trade associations and local law enforcement agencies on online-to-offline law enforcement actions which resulted in the seizure of more than 88,000 units of counterfeit goods.

Lazada and Panasonic

The largest seizure of Panasonic counterfeits in Southeast Asia to-date.

In May, authorities seized more than 82,000 counterfeit Panasonic batteries, making it the largest seizure for the brand in Southeast Asia to date. The counterfeit batteries were intended for sales on various eCommerce platforms.

The raid – conducted in May at a warehouse outside Bangkok – was the result of several months of close collaboration between Panasonic’s Brand Section and Lazada’s intellectual property rights protection team, which provided information to Thai authorities.


The first online-to-offline collaboration between Under Armour and Lazada was completed in March, during which more than 3,000 counterfeit Under Armour apparel were seized from a seller operating on Lazada Singapore.

Operation pangea xiv

INTERPOL coordinated Operation Pangea XIV, which targeted the sale of counterfeit and illicit medicines and medical products. It involved police, customs and health regulatory authorities from 92 countries. Through Lazada’s collaboration with INTERPOL and the relevant local authorities, enforcement actions were successfully conducted in the Philippines resulting in the seizure of counterfeit health supplements.

Lazada and CASIO

In November, nearly 300 counterfeit Casio products were seized during a raid conducted in conjunction with the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (MDTCA). The collaboration had begun with Casio and Lazada discussing the various targets related to their activity on Lazada Malaysia earlier in the year.

Lazada and CASIO

With the help of Indonesian authorities, Casio seized over 2,000 counterfeit Casio products from a warehouse in North Jarkarta in September. Casio's investigation team and Lazada’s IPR Protection team conducted several rounds of analysis during the investigation which commenced in May.

Lazada and Panasonic

The largest seizure of Panasonic counterfeits in Southeast Asia to-date.

In May, authorities seized more than 82,000 counterfeit Panasonic batteries, making it the largest seizure for the brand in Southeast Asia to date. The counterfeit batteries were intended for sales on various eCommerce platforms.

The raid – conducted in May at a warehouse outside Bangkok – was the result of several months of close collaboration between Panasonic’s Brand Section and Lazada’s intellectual property rights protection team, which provided information to Thai authorities.


The first online-to-offline collaboration between Under Armour and Lazada was completed in March, during which more than 3,000 counterfeit Under Armour apparel were seized from a seller operating on Lazada Singapore.

Operation pangea xiv

INTERPOL coordinated Operation Pangea XIV, which targeted the sale of counterfeit and illicit medicines and medical products. It involved police, customs and health regulatory authorities from 92 countries. Through Lazada’s collaboration with INTERPOL and the relevant local authorities, enforcement actions were successfully conducted in the Philippines resulting in the seizure of counterfeit health supplements.


In November, nearly 300 counterfeit Casio products were seized during a raid conducted in conjunction with the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (MDTCA). The collaboration had begun with Casio and Lazada discussing the various targets related to their activity on Lazada Malaysia earlier in the year.


With the help of Indonesian authorities, Casio seized over 2,000 counterfeit Casio products from a warehouse in North Jarkarta in September. Casio's investigation team and Lazada’s IPR Protection team conducted several rounds of analysis during the investigation which commenced in May.


Legal Department Casio Computer Co. Ltd.

 “Despite difficulties posed to investigations and raid actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, we successfully conducted a raid against a seller operating on Lazada Indonesia with the assistance of Lazada's IPR Protection team. Lazada's participation in the investigation was critical and we believe the platform is moving in the right direction to combat counterfeit issues within the ecosystem. It has been a pleasure working with Lazada and we appreciate their continued support.

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October 2021

What a year

The year 2021 presented challenges unlike any seen before, and new opportunities to work together to develop IPR protection. The signing of multiple MOUs, the growth in IPP Plus membership, and the online-to-offline actions we completed in multiple territories demonstrate Lazada’s commitment to ensuring a safe digital environment by reducing the risk of abuses and behaviours that may pose threats to our consumers.

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As the digital landscape has become more prevalent, the need for a robust intellectual property protection strategy is more important than ever. With your support, our vision of establishing new standards for IPR protection in the region will come to life as we continue to work alongside the IPR enforcement community.

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